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hands on assists

25Hr Intensive | Sunday, Oct 8-9, Oct 15-16 8am-1pm

Chakra Flow University is excited to announce that Danielle Valoras has joined the teaching team for this module to illuminate the science of touch. Danielle is a certified Physician Assistant and founder or Clinician on NavWell RX, PLLC- an integrative health practice. Danielle brings over 20 years of experience in the medical field specializing in Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology (P.N.E.I.), a field of medicine that investigates the link between the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system in relation to physical health.

Her practice provides a gentle integration of western medicine, functional medicine, trauma response, and osteopathic-oriented techniques to help patients (lymphatic, visceral, and cranial sacral modalities). Providing a systematic full-body approach to healing.


In this training, we will focus on the "Art and Science of Hands on Assists."  Through the artistic perspective, Victoria will share her years of experience in the creative process of hands on assists and how she works with each individual human in their wholeness as she co-creates the asanas with the person. Through the scientific perspective, Danielle will bring her expertise, how the nervous and endocrine system affect posture, poses, alignment and so much more, fun, nerdy, precise and mystical offerings.


Here are some topics we will cover: 


• How do we assist students in a way that is safe for both the practitioner and the teacher? 


• How can our assists help students grow their practice without pushing and pulling them into positions they might not be ready for?  


• How does consent and ethics play a huge part in making touch safe and trauma informed? 


• What is the science of touch? What are the chemical reactions the body experiences when touched? How do hormones and neurology impact the physical body during touch experiences? 


• We will cover in depth the alignment of asanas so that as both a teacher and/or practitioner you will have a 360 degree knowledge of how these poses work in our bones, muscles and energy systems. We will have deep and meaningful conversations around the theory that there is only one right way to do an asana. Is there? 


• You will learn thoughtful ways to care for your students' bodies as we let go of ideas that they are doing things wrong or that we have to fix them.  Instead, we will uncover ways to be of true service to their needs in the moment to moment awareness that we cultivate in our practice and in our offerings. 


• How does touch affect all the koshas (sheaths of the body) from our outermost layer of the physical body to the innermost layer of our spirit? 

Our time together will be rich with opportunities for hands on practice teaching and assisting. The format allows you to learn over two weekends with time in between sessions to apply that learning in your classes, in your body, and on your mat.  This will allow you to embody the teachings and absorb the information well.


This training also offers you the opportunity to assist 5 live classes with Chakra Flow University 200hr teachers.  If you are not currently teaching your own classes, you will get valuable real-life experience and in the moment feedback from a loving CFU graduate. 


The community of teachers and students, also known as the tribe, is what makes Chakra Flow University SO SPECIAL!  This will be an opportunity to connect on deep levels with other humans who are also seeking the truth within themselves and the world and want to share their own personal truths in a thoughtful and accepting community. 




  • The Art of hands on assists

  • Asana alignment & options

  • Upholding the Yamas & Niyamas through energetic and physical assists 

  • Ethics of touch 

  • Science and chemistry of touch in the physical and emotional bodies 

  • Injury knowledge and prevention

  • Hands on practice in class and out of class 

  • Reflexology breaks


Victoria Martinez - E500 RYT

Danielle Valoras, Certified Physician Assistant

& Integrative Health Practitioner


SAT Oct 8 8am-1pm

SUN Oct 9 8am-1pm

SAT Oct 15 8am-1pm

SUN Oct 16 8am-1pm


Pranayama House

421 Penman St. 1st Floor 

Charlotte, NC 28203

Door code: *1000


• Yoga Teachers who want to integrate hands on assists in their offerings in a conscious and ethical manner. 


• Dedicated practitioners who wish to learn more about the alignment of the asanas and how to embody them through the Lens of the Yamas and Niyamas. 

• Humans who desire to deepen their practice with a loving and accepting community.


This 25hr Module can count towards your 300HR YTT with Chakra Flow University

25 CEU’s also available

Chakra Flow University

RYS 200, RYS 300, YACEP




$350-450 Sliding Scale

$350 Discounted community price

$395 Pays for you and supports the teachers

$450 Pays for you and pays for a BIPOC Scholarship

Email with any questions.

victoria martinez in nature
danielle valoras

Victoria Martinez 

Danielle Valoras

pranayama house logo

Register for Anatomy & The Art of hands on Assists

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