Victoria Martinez, E500 RYT
Dr. Brian Strahine, 200 RYT

KIDS YOGA & mindfulness training
25Hr Intensive | February 25-27
Kids are our future. Are you ready to raise up a generation of humans who are prepared with the skills to live a more vibrant, ecstatic existence?
Humans were born to move their bodies. However, the changing landscape in America has encouraged children to sit for longer periods of time than ever before in positions that are physically, mentally, and emotionally debilitating. This immersion will provide participants with the confidence and ability to teach and guide a generation of humans that are prepared with the skills to live a joyous and mindful life. We will explore the major tenets of yoga and mindfulness and provide opportunities to practice them throughout the weekend while also learning how to make the practices accessible to children. The weekend will include an exploration of the brain and how mindfulness can be used to facilitate the use of one’s nervous system as an effective intervention to support a child’s response to their environment. We will learn specific skills that can assist children in developing resiliency. We will also learn practices that can help children become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations and how they can be in relationship with them in a more kind, nonjudgmental, and curious way.
In this training you will learn how to develop creative kids yoga classes that guide children on visualized journeys through playful exploration. These themed classes feed their imagination and take them on adventures that encourage them to move their bodies, think on their feet, take care of each other and the environment, and feel empowered to interact with one another.
We will explore how yoga and mindfulness are beautifully aligned and share how kids can move their bodies in fun, creative, and intuitive ways. Kids yoga helps to undo the hours of sitting that kids often do at school and home. It also focuses on teaching children the 10 disciplines of yoga in a way that is engaging and accessible:
Non violence
Do not steal
Direct your energy consciously
Non hoarding
Satisfaction and contentment
Discipline to always do our best
Study yourself
Stay humble
Make yoga accessible to children ages 4-12
Structure a class for kids that will keep them engaged and active
Theme classes appropriately for kids of all ages
Make asanas accessible to children
Learn what discipline looks like inside yoga spaces for kids
Teach mindfulness practices to children
Appreciate the impact of trauma on a child’s life and introduce practices that can build resiliency
Lead games and activities that build mindful future leaders
Introduce meditation to children
Teach children the yamas and niyamas in an easy and accessible way
Use music and sounds to cultivate a deeper understanding of yoga, mindfulness, and collaboration
Introduce seva, selfless action and service, and how it can impact a community
This training will culminate with a Kids Festival on April 23, 2022 at Clarity Farms in China Grove, NC. This will provide all the participants from this training an opportunity to teach kids yoga classes of all ages and gain valuable insight through hands on experience with children and families.

Victoria Martinez, E500 RYT
Dr. Brian Strahine, 200 RYT
Victoria leads the way in this training as she brings her 20+ years experience as a yogi. She completed a Kids Yoga certification at the Yogi Beans Kids Yoga Center in NYC and spent 7 years teaching kids yoga to countless children, including her daughter and son. Yogi Beans is known for introducing adults to playful and creative ways of teaching kids yoga beyond just the asanas. Most recently, she taught a kids yoga class at Okra Charlotte for over a year. She is excited to bring this way of sharing yoga with kids to the Charlotte area and beyond.
Brian has been an educator for 21 years and has served several different student populations in K-12 and university settings. He is a Doctor of Education and also holds a Specialist in Education degree and Master of Science degree, both in School Counseling. Throughout his professional career working with families, he has taught mindfulness practices to children and adults in order to assist them in developing a deeper sense of self-awareness, regulated nervous system, healthy interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being. Brian’s extensive training in the field includes completion of two Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction courses and the Mindful Schools K-12 Curriculum training as well participation in several weekend- and week-long mindfulness retreats. He also completed a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India and is currently completing a 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training program. He loves to wear costumes and welcomes any opportunity to evoke the childlike wonder that lives in each of us.
FRI FEB 25- 1-8PM
Casa Chakra Flow
4304 Bowline Drive
Charlotte, NC 28269
Yoga Teachers
School Teachers
A desire to change the world by teaching our children yoga, mindfulness and essential leadership skills.
This 25hr Module can count towards your 300HR YTT with
Chakra Flow University
25 CEU’s also available
Chakra Flow University
RYS 200, RYS 300, YACEP
$250-450 Sliding Scale
$250 Discounted community price
$375 Pays for you and supports the teachers
$450 Pays for you and pays for a BIPOC Scholarship
***Please contact me if you are traveling to Charlotte for this training, accommodations are available.
Email Diosayogaschool@gmail.com with any questions or to inquire about payment plans.