Marcy Braverman Goldstein, Ph.D.
Victoria Martinez, E500 RYT
Read, Write, and Study the Yoga Sutras
in Our Latin Alphabet & in the Ancient Indian Script of Devanagari
25Hr Intensive | January 24 – February 6
Explore the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali! Compiled 2000 years ago, this collection of aphorisms about the human condition reveals ways to achieve supreme joy, reintegration, and liberation. Take the journey with us to see how these ancient Indian teachings speak to people in the 21st century.
Throughout our time together, we will address these questions and anything that you ask:
What are the Yoga Sutras?
Do they impart a particular style of yoga?
What superpowers might a yogi gain? Are they evidence of liberation? Or do they distract from liberation?
What is the experience of samadhi?
Is this text a meditation manual?
Can it be categorized as Hindu, Buddhist, or Jain, or none of these religions?
How is Sanskrit a vibrational language?
Do the Yoga Sutras teach non-dualistic or dualist philosophy?
Are the Buddha’s ethical teachings similar or different?
How many languages are they translated into? Why was an Arabic version created?
Who brought the Yoga Sutras to America? Why?
Was this text as popular a millennium ago as it is today?
Is the Devanagari (“city of the gods”) alphabet similar to our Latin script?
Will correct pronunciation of Sanskrit help me immerse in the teachings of the Yoga Sutras?
Explore all of this and more during our time together with this ancient text.
You’ll gain appreciation for the various teachings, philosophies, practices, and histories of the Yoga Sutra along with skills to read and write this ancient text in the Devanagari script.
Participants in this immersion will:
access the profound teachings in Yoga Sutras chapters 3 & 4
understand the deeper meanings of key vocabulary terms
decode basic grammar of Sanskrit, the language in which Patanjali compiled the sutras
translate from Sanskrit to English
read the Devanagari script***
write favorite sutras in Devanagari***
apply these ancient teachings to modern day life
appreciate, glimpse and/or embody this universal experiential knowing
share these complex ideas with immersion participants and others
gain expertise to teach these complex philosophies to more seekers
***RARE opportunity to learn to read and write this foreign script.
The format will include lecture, discussion, Q&A, journaling, reflection time, and a private Facebook group. Classes are spread out over a period of 12 days to allow you time to assimilate the information, read, practice, study, and review. An outline will be provided. Select books available for purchase are listed below. Hybrid Zoom and in-person meetings, 100% Zoom option offered.

Marcy Braverman Goldstein, Ph.D.
Victoria Martinez, E500 RYT
Mon Jan 24 6-9pm EST
Tues Jan 25 6-9pm EST
Sat Jan 29 8am-1pm
Mon Jan 31 6-9pm EST
Tues Feb 1 6-9pm EST
Sun Feb 6 8am-1pm
All Classes available over Zoom, Saturday & Sunday option for Zoom or in Person.
In person classes will meet at:
Casa Chakra Flow
4304 Bowline Drive
Charlotte, NC 28269
Open to all levels of practitioners.
Yogavataranam: The Translation of Yoga by Zoe Slatoff-Ponte
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, translated by Edwin Bryant (and/or another translation)
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali: A Biography by David Gordon White
This 25hr Module can count towards your 300HR YTT with
Chakra Flow University
25 CEU’s also available
Chakra Flow University
RYS 200, RYS 300, YACEP
$250-450 Sliding Scale
$250 Discounted community price
$375 Pays for you and supports the teachers
$450 Pays for you and pays for a BIPOC Scholarship
Email Diosayogaschool@gmail.com with any questions or to inquire about payment plans.